Sunday, December 5

End of year banquet

I just got back from my agencies annual awards banquet.

I got two “awards”:

A toy ambulance “stuck” in the mud (real mud in a Tupperware container). I got the rig stuck after a football game last year and you’d think they would have forgotten, but NO.

The medics and medic to be (me, I hope) were awarded a new training aid (the game Operation). Since I am still in training the medics decided I should have it.

They also gave my wife a nice centerpiece for putting up with me being in the medic class. VERY thoughtful as she really is paying a huge price with me being gone so much.

Best awards went to the chief and deputy chief, both of whom had a situation this year where they could not find a call on the street our station is on. They got framed maps of the town and a compass.

While it ran longer than it should have, I think a good time was had by all.