Monday, October 25

Can we get additional resources on the scene? NOT!

Tones drop at 2135 for 50's female collapsed outside of a residence hall on campus. I'm on the board as EMT and head down to the station.

Five people besides the call crew hanging by the rig looking interested in going on the call. Sorry folks - We are set.

The scene: Behind a residence hall, way in the back of campus, on a one and a half lane dead-end service road. The following people and vehicles are there...

Campus Safety: 2 vehicles and at least three officers.

Fire Department Rescue: One vehicle, two firefighter EMTs.

EMTs from my agency who were already on campus: 2 + a car.

Chief of Ambulance Corps: Ford F250 extended cab, himself + another EMT.

Ambulance: Three of us, all EMTs.

My patient was interviewed by bystanders, campus safety, the first EMT to get on scene, Rescue's EMTs, my chief, and then my crew.

While I was waiting for the chief to do it, what I learned from this call was that I need to start taking control of the scene and making non-essential personnel back OFF.